The Immunization Partnership’s (TIP) vision is to create a community free of vaccine-preventable diseases, which includes supporting the development of new vaccines. TIP endorses the development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine to prevent COVID-19 coronavirus disease. TIP supports our government, academic, and private partners on this endeavor.
TIP created the Pandemic Vaccine Task Force. The task force comprises leaders and experts to develop recommendations to guide the public and Texas Legislature on actions they should take to prepare for an FDA-approved SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
The Immunization Partnership's work includes supporting the development of new vaccines and making sure we have a strong public health infrastructure to distribute recommended vaccines. Each new vaccine is another critical disease-fighting tool that gets us closer to our vision of a community protected from vaccine-preventable diseases.
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Non-Medical Exemptions
in Texas
The non-medical exemption rate has increased 3,044% from 2,314 non-medical exemptions to 72,743 between the 2003-04 and 2023-20 school years.
Immunization Advocacy
in Texas
Since 2007, 24 immunization related bills have passed as a result of TIP’s and other immunization advocates’ efforts.
Meningitis Cases
in Texas
Texas has seen a 71% decrease in meningitis cases since the 2011 law expanding the meningitis vaccine requirement.
A community protected from vaccine-preventable diseases.
To eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases by educating the community, advocating for evidence-based public policy and supporting immunization best practices.
The Immunization Partnership (TIP) is a nonprofit organization that evolved from the partnership originally dedicated to supporting the Houston-Harris County Immunization Registry.
Recognizing the importance of expanding the range of strategies in order to achieve and sustain high immunization rates, in 2007 the Houston-Harris County Immunization Registry Board of Directors developed a new name and mission that truly reflects the broader scope of the organization. The organization became The Immunization Partnership (TIP).
The Partnership aims to eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases by developing and coordinating our communities' resources through public and private partnerships.
As part of its evolution into an organization that supports broader immunization issues, TIP has developed a community-wide program to educate individuals, parents and providers about the importance of on-time immunizations. TIP also advocates for evidence-based public policy and fosters collaborative efforts among the immunization partners.